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Is Paris Burning?

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    Good piece (en français) on the organ, including an interview with Olivier Latry, who has been the principal organist for over 30 years.


      Good news about the organ. It's basically just dusty. This is a big deal. A friend of mine is an professional organist, and he was utterly distraught. It's pretty much the mecca for organists.

      « After two hours of examination of the instrumental part I did not find any damage that could have been caused by the fire. Simply dust, clean light brown dust a bit like sand, dry, non-sticky dust.

      There was a memory thermometer inside the instrument, indicating a temperature of 17 degrees on the day of the fire. Therefore no damage to the piping and all electronic components.

      In a fortnight we will be able to put the organ back in function so that we can make a more in-depth diagnosis, especially on the condition of the windchests, but frankly I am very optimistic.

      The ideal solution will be to confine the organ in a well sealed and air-conditioned cage. Then do the dusting, plan by plan and play the organ regularly. And finally, dismantle the containment when the vault is rebuilt, and tune it. »


        Monde has a depressing article today on how Francophone YouTube is getting a steady stream of amateur videos "proving" that the fire was an inside job. Apparently, 800 year old oak doesn't burn quickly is French for jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.

        We are a rather irredeemable species.


          yeah, the fire was apparently an inside job. There are loads of stories about the scaffolders and builders smoking on the job.


            Maybe Linus can get us up to speed on the technical details.




                This is very well done and is getting a lot of positive reactions from France



                  Yeah, I remember when it was happening, for a while people were saying the best case scenario was that one or both of the towers could be preserved.


                    The lesson from the ruins of Notre Dame: don’t rely on billionaires


                      Work suspended for at least week and two nearby schools closed to summer programmes.

                      This may or may not be related to recent reports that lead levels around the site are exceeding legal limits as a result of the melting of much of the lead roof.


                        The weather might be an issue too.


                          Of course, though that doesn't work as well for the schools given that schools in the rest of the city are operating as scheduled.


                            Confirming the fears that Ton Ton and I expressed pages ago, Macron has ended over a year of debate and given the go ahead for the reconstruction of a replica, Viollet le Duc spire and all.



