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    No 'Comments', please.

    Is there anything more likely to lower your opinion of your fellow man than reading the "Comments" section after an online news story? There are usually six or eight pages of comments, but I can't get beyond the most recent three postings before my head hurts.

    Surely not the most pressing story, but Starbucks has decided to close 600 of its least profitable stores. The first comment, while not rife with the usual typos and LOLs and exclamation points, is pretty standard:

    "They got too diverse in their marketing. I don’t shop for CD’s at coffee shops. I’m sure they still had to pay the musicians when the CD sales flopped. I guarantee, this is at the root of the problem. Raising prices to pay Paul McCartney killed the whole show."

    Feel free to post particularly maddening ones you come across.

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    I'm afraid you've been beaten to it, WornOld.

    spEak You’re bRanes

    One of the most entertaining (and depressing) sites on the net.


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        And bah. You had the glint of a century thread in your eyes; come on, admit it.


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          I Heart Speak You're Branes


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            I completely agree. I want to believe that all of those stupid comments are created by a handful of idiots, many of them likely 13 years old, and that what we see on the internet is not really representative of the population as a whole, but the number of such postings, and the breadth of topics upon which these braindead fuckers smear their ignorance like monkeys throwing their own shit is such that I'm afraid there's a lot more of them out there then I'd care to think about.


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              Me too. It's like things Viz rejected because they just sound too moronic. I love the twat-o-tron too.


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                I was reading a particularly good one yesterday by a bloke whose racism meant that he was apoplectic about the idea of Sharia law being adopted - but whose fascist side really approved of the death penalty for taking drugs, etc.


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                  Remember when FF had us comment on the forum of the Baton Rouge newspaper? That was fun.


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                    For me the comments on YouTube are the nadir. I find them absolutely soul-crushing.


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                      The frequency with which nigger gets used on Youtube is the most depressing thing about it.


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                        But really, is it surprising? Would you expect any better? I mean what kind of a misanthropic saddo spends all day replying to comments by people with silly made up names in an on-line message board?


                        ...I see ...

                        ... never mind.


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                          I generally agree, but YouTube comments tend to go beyond the boundary of stupidity into complete incoherence. It won't be long until comments on YouTube pages are just a bunch of random characters - the digital version of grunts and yelps. It's like watching one of those diagrams of evolution - you know, where each ape/man is slightly more upright than the one to his left - in reverse.


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                            Ive thought something like that when I think about the weird popularity of stuff like LOLcats and Fail sites. It won't be long now until humor consists only of photos with either nonsensical, badly spelled captions or the word Fail, and everyone will think that's hysterical.


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                              I really actually do love lolcats, when they're good they can be very good. but my comedy threshold is also very low.

                              Reed is spot on about Youtube threads. what always amazes me is the number of people commenting all the time, no matter what the video is.

                              lol awesum!!11
                              u r gay
                              i dont get it
                              this sucks BALLS
                              just cos ur 2 stoopid to understand irony
                              fuck you muthafucker its shit
                              i still dont get it
                              u r gay and fat :P
                              jayzzzz not fit to lick noels boots
                              WTF????? noel is a cockend
                              yeah well jayzz is a fat fuck, lookat him, the fat fuckj
                              all hiphop is shit
                              jeez this is a crap thred
                              fuck off n read another 1 then :P


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                                Now we know where some OTFers who don't post here anymore have gone.


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                                  They are right about hiphop, though.


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                                    They are NOT!


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                                      No, you're right. How about 'most'?


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                                        Wrong again.


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                                          Well, what the hell is the word for 'between most and all'?


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                                            I'm ashamed to say I have actually posted a comment on a Youtube video. However my comment was very witty and intelligent.


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                                              I posted a comment on the WSC site's frontpage story today. Does that make me a bad person?


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                                                I commented on a friend's YouTube clip just the other day. Private Eye came in for some mob criticism on here recently, but they run a lovely message board parody column now.


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                                                  My new favourite thing on 'Have Your Say' is when the comment says "They probably won't publish this comment" - the only that can be right results in no-one seeing it, and the only way anyone can see it results in you looking like a fool.

