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    The EVŽNT

    So this was on last night here in Australia. Did anyone like it? I thought it was a mess, myself. All over the place with characters that lacked any interest. The low rent Sam Merlotte look alike and the B grade Kate Hudson lookalike were a particular waste of time thus far as was the - WTF - Black Mexican president.

    Canned by Christmas or the new Lost?

    I'm going with cluck-cluck-cluck canned.

    The sooner these shows drop the BS formula of 40 minutes of dross followed by cliffhanger ending that's supposed to drag you back for more of the same the better.

    The EVŽNT

    I saw this last week and thought it was shite.

    And is anyone else begining to hate non-linear story lines? It used to be innovative and serve a purpose (like in Lost where it allowed us to get to know indivdual charecters better) but in "the Event" it just smacks of lazziness and gimickiness (not sure if that is a word or not).

    Why did the story have to jump around in time so much. All the big "reveals" were telegraphed and it added nothing to the programme.


      The EVŽNT

      Lost-lite. Gone by Christmas, hopefully.

