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So, this McCain bloke, then ...

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    So, this McCain bloke, then ...

    All the focus on the US Presidential election campaign in Britain, so far, has been about the Hilary vs Obama battle for the Democratic nomination. I guess because it's a close race, and it's the story of the day each time there's a state ballot.

    We've heard very little about John McCain, though. Who, let's face it, has at the least a 50-50 chance of being the next leader of the free world when it comes to it in November.

    Who is he? What's he like? Is he going to win?

    So, this McCain bloke, then ...

    Had some 'maverick'-like qualities about him in his early congressional career -- runs for prez in 2000 - gets reamed by Karl Rove and his disgusting attacks in South Carolina -- instead of challenging the compassionate conservative he kisses his ass and is in 2008 offering basically a third term of GWB. The name "McBush" is entirely appropriate.

    He appeals to the middle of the road/country club republican type who is tired of the polarizing 'christian conservative' blowhards that have led the party for close to the last 20 years. Sadly he is now pandering to these types as he will need their blessings and votes to win.

    He flip-flops on issues like the best Washington has to offer --- w/ either a female and African-American as an opponent he will receive a number of votes and in the electoral college it could be close.

    As the economy sinks one would think that would help the democrats, but American voters are in large part, an ignorant lot so the race will be close. Plus the media will do its best to make it close.

    If election was tomorrow, democrats might have a chance -- by November with all the negative ads polluting the airwaves McCain could win -- a few close states, such as Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, could decide it.

    In the end, neither one may want to be president with the crap they are to inherit -- the winner will likely be a one term and out president.


      So, this McCain bloke, then ...

      I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, Rogin. Once the Democratic nomination has been made and they begin the actual election campaigning, you'll know as much about McCain as you now know about Clinton and Obama.


        So, this McCain bloke, then ...

        One thing I'd add to Cal's good description is that McCain was one of the principals caught up in the Keating Five Scandal, as Charles Keating was one of his primary benefactors in his political rise through Congress to the Senate. McCain was not censured, but was found to have acted inappropriately. His good government/campaign finance crusades began only once he had to find a way to repair his tattered reputation.

        As a fun side note, he started seeing his current wife (rich heiress) while still married to his first wife, who became crippled in an car accident. He divorced her and married Cindy McCain who (in addition to Keating) helped fund his early political career.


          So, this McCain bloke, then ...

          He's a cunting Republican. Anything else you need to know?


            So, this McCain bloke, then ...

            Welcome Cal.

            Not to derail the thread, but do the Roughnecks still exist? I've seen them play in New Jersey, San Jose and Seattle.

            And what imp said.


              So, this McCain bloke, then ...

              It used to be that some Republicans were OK, like Bob Dole. It seems like moderate Reps have been marginalized the last decade.

              McCain is slightly more palatable than the avg Rep on domestic issues, but he's as bad as Bush on foreign policy, neoconned to the bone. The fact that he has Lieberman's complete support is a giveaway there.

              PS Cal, do you have one of those:


                So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                OK is such a relative word.


                  So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                  McCain's just got a big chip on his shoulder.


                    So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                    I think that another big thing to watch out for this fall is McCain's temper - things have been going very well for him recently, so he hasn't had a blowup on any major scale. But he has a reputation for having a short fuse - once the campaign gets tighter, it'll be interesting to see how he blows up, and how people react to that.


                      So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                      Some gossip about McCain (and others in Washington).


                        So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                        nah, i'm an old fart who was raised in Norway and went to Stavanger Viking games.... but now cheer for my kids AYSO team and the semi pro Albuquerque Asylum

                        Years ago i'd scream for Billy Caskey and Lawrie Abrahams when I was living near Tulsa. Brutal NASL days... rock hard Skelly Stadium, 100 degree days, and English Long Ball -- great fun in the Bible Belt!


                          So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                          I do not have a cal-berkeley cap -- great school and town! I used to live in Marin County though and wish I could afford to live in the bay area again!


                            So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                            Back to McBush -- yeah, he will play the endless loop of his P.O.W. experience to get whatever votes he can, but he has ZERO to offer the average voter. He is indebted to the dark side and will go with whatever the right-wing hierarchy says he should go for.

                            The Keating Five scandal is a serious albatross for "straight-talk" express John. He talks out of both sides of his ass and slowly, ever so slowly the media is actually doing some reporting that shows that he is no different than the average slimebag, corrupt senator.

                            Temper, temper -- yeah, he apparently explodes once in awhile -- then there is the fact that if elected at age 72, he will be the oldest elected president, so a healthy VP is a must.

                            I can't wait for a dem to be nominated as McBush will finally have to account for all of what he has said and what he has stood for.


                              So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                              Personally I think the age issue is a bit of a non-starter, but regardless, www.thingsyoungerthanmccain is pretty damn funny.

                              As for this 50/50 chance thing, obviously I'm not advocating overconfidence, but it's important to bear in mind that both Clinton and Obama have leads of nearly 10 points over him in national polls, even after months of attacking each other and McCain getting a free ride. And it's only going to get tougher for McCain as we move into the general campaign. I'm still very skeptical that the press is going to give McCain serious scrutiny like they will the Democrats (they are, after all, his base) but any scrutiny at all is more than he's received so far. Obama can still throw it away, but the point is he'd have to throw it away to lose.


                                So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                well, if it were a purely popular vote yes, the dems seem to be in the driver seat, but as it is an electoral college vote, and as Shrub in 2000 can attest to, it will be close and will be likely a couple of states that will decide it.

                                The corporate media still has given McCain, for the most part, a free pass. The 527's (swift-boat, political action groups) will do their best to crucify Obama and it will likely have its effect in the necessary states (southeast and midwest). Like Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, Obama must win all the traditional Dem states as well as win in Ohio or Florida (perhaps a Virginia and North Carolina) in order to eke out a victory.

                                The states w/ a republican governor/congress will do their best to deny votes to those who go against them.

                                After eight years of bushco and the dirty tricks that got that lying sack of shit in office, I cannot get optimistic or positive of change until I see Obama taking the oath of office from scumbag Chief Justice Robetts.


                                  So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                  I'm trying to think of two more different places in the US than Tulsa and Marin County.

                                  I'm not succeeding.

                                  I share all of Cal's concerns, but then I am by nature a pessimist. The "appeasement" story is just the opening salvo in what is going to be a very dirty campaign.


                                    So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                    It's hard to imagine any presidential candidate being more ignorant than Bush, but McCain seems determined to prove me wrong:
                                    I believe that it’s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn’t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home
                                    No, he didn't negotiate with them. He just sold them fucking weapons. It was Carter who did the negotiating and made sure the embassy hostages came home.


                                      So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                      You and your "fact based" worldview, GY.

                                      I bet you don't get how Obama is a Muslim AND beholden to Wright at the same time.

                                      I would argue that a significant difference between Dubya and McCain is that McCain is intelligent enough to know better.


                                        So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                        McCain is at least conscious of the need to cut down on spending while maintaining security in these troubled times.

                                        Man I love the Onion.


                                          So, this McCain bloke, then ...

                                          Yes, Tulsa and Marin County are two seriously different places, but I can top it.

                                          In between those two areas we lived in Grants, New Mexico - off of I-40/route 66 - so called "Uranium Capital of the World" - should have been called "Economically depressed Capital of the World" - a serious contrast from wine-sipping, free-wheeling Terra Linda, CA.

                                          Tulsa was far more cosmopolitan, amazing as that sounds, and w/ a NASL team to boot! Actually had a decent local music scene and good groups had some excellent venues to play. Politics is another story - there can't be many more politically backwards states than okieland.

