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Drugs aren't bad, mmmkay.

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    Drugs aren't bad, mmmkay.

    Seriously: why are we still doing the War on Drugs?

    Drugs aren't bad, mmmkay.

    You mean the War On (Some Classes Of People Who Use Some) Drugs?

    No idea.


      Drugs aren't bad, mmmkay.

      I don't know what the policies in the US are, or how they differ from that in the UK, but UK policies have become primarily oriented towards a group from within a group; PDUs (Problematic Drug Users) which is pretty loosely defined in practice and addresses opiate and/or crack use, not powder cocaine or other Class A drugs.

      So there's a problem with the focus, in the first instance, and then there's the issue about treatment itself. Most centrally produced policies and targets are predicated upon a study that showed opiate users (I think specifically heroin users) that remained in treatment for 12 weeks+ were x% more likely to complete drug free and come off using permanently. However, this study's findings have been usurped and are now applied to wider opiate and crack users, such that it's an imperative for local agencies to retain a certain proportion of all identified PDUs in treatment for this 12 week threshold, irrespective of their opiate / crack combination, and even for non-PDUs.

