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Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

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    Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

    What a stupid bitch.

    The article she's responding to is kinda funny too.

    Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

    I can tell you from personal experience that she's got astonishingly wrinkled knees.


      Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

      Before or after?


        Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

        The front part. All saggy around the patellas.


          Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

          Mis-read the title by mentally moving the first inverted comma forward a word. Now THAT would have been a story.


            Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

            Well, she has Sting.


              Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

              Oh come on.

              How many of us can honestly say we've not lined up to metaphorically and linguistically stick the boot in here because she is Sting's wife.

              Would we be as vitriolic if it had been, say, Bonio's other half?


                Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                Gosh, sorry. I thought what she said was a bit awful.

                I titled the thread really badly didn't I. I am a terrible sexist, unfortunately.


                  Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                  Don't deny it. She's playing lady fucking bountiful, isn't she? And it would be equally ridiculous no matter who she was.

                  But because of who she's married to*, this only adds to the humour.

                  * Yes. I know it's "to whom she is married". But that's mangling the language for the sake of petty pedantry.


                    Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                    No, but then she doesn't say and do this sort of thing, so far as I know.


                      Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                      From a strictly rational viewpoint, her point about the couple's contributions to environmental causes dwarfing the impact of her lavish lifestyle is quite valid.


                        Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                        She's got form as a cunt in her own right.


                        The fact that she's married to Sting sends the cuntometer into orbit.


                          Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                          I think I'm with linus on this one. I agree the tone is a bit irritating, but which of her substantive points would you quibble with?


                            Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                            Each year I fly thousands of miles to campaign for environmental change.
                            Surely, she must realise the irony of that statement?

                            As far as linus's point goes, I wouldn't argue with the points she makes as much but it would have been interesting to see the other points made in the original article addressed e.g. the helicopter flight to Zac Goldsmith's


                              Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                              I agree the tone is a bit irritating, but which of her substantive points would you quibble with?

                              It isn't so much the substantive points within the article as those outside them. For instance the Sting family were well known as massive users of Concorde, "I think of it as an old friend." announced Papa Sting after the transatlantic service service was canceled. Aside from the blatant hypocrisy involved, I mean really, how many extra hectares of rain-forest were saved/destroyed because the Mr & Mrs C arrived in New York three hours earlier than they might otherwise?


                                Sting's wife in today's second 'cunt' thread

                                Yeah, check out the comments. Private jets to go to a wedding. The financial records of the charity, etc.

