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Returning Cheats still get benefit

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    Returning Cheats still get benefit

    Interesting article in Athletics Weekly, which basically says that even after the user of Performance Boosting Drugs has kicked the habit - the long term benefits remain.

    I would counter it a bit around it depends what drug type was used, I can't see having a bit of Speed would help you still 4 years later; but certainly it looks like Steroids and their ilk , from the study in Oslo would still carry on benefitting.

    Ban 'em for life!

    Returning Cheats still get benefit

    If it's the same one as provided a basis for a 90 minute programme on BBC Radio last night, lets wait until its:-
    i) Been peer reviewed and published in a respected journal
    ii) Been corroborated by repeat studies finding the same effects
    iii) Been repeated on Humans, rather than the current extrapolation from results found in Mice

